

Organizations That Publish Bicycle and Pedestrian Design Guides



FAQ - Pedestrian Signals

ADOT Complete Transportation Guidebook (2016)

Reports and plans

The Complete Transportation Guidebook is a reference for integrating sustainable transportation practices into transportation planning, scoping, and design throughout ADOT’s project development process. The guidebook provides strategies and techniques for identifying transportation choices that connect communities and enhance economic opportunity while maximizing the efficiency of limited resources.



ADOT Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP) Guide


Organizations That Publish Bicycle and Pedestrian Design Guides

Bicycle Policy

ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Guidelines and Processes

Note: This policy was sunset on October 23, 2017

Bicyclist & Pedestrian Count Strategy Plan (2018)

Reports and plans

The Bicycle and Pedestrian Count Strategy Plan is the first step for ADOT to implement a bicycle and pedestrian count program. The program is designed to support safety assessments, performance measurement, and reporting such as key bicycle and pedestrian indicators and targets established in the Statewide Bicycle Pedestrian Plan Update.

Bicyclist Safety Action Plan (2018 Update)

Reports and plans

2018 Bicyclist Safety Action Plan Update uses a data-driven approach to assess bicyclist-motorist crashes on the State Highway System (SHS) during the 2012-2016 period. The plan identifies steps, actions, and potential countermeasures that, upon implementation and over time, will measurably reduce bicyclist crashes, injuries, and fatalities.


Organizations That Publish Bicycle and Pedestrian Design Guides


Organizations That Publish Bicycle and Pedestrian Design Guides