The Active Transportation Program provides information about walking and riding a bicycle in Arizona, including safety tips, laws and policies, maps and organizations.
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Reports and Plans

Pedestrian Safety Action Plan (2017 Update)
The 2017 Pedestrian Safety Action Plan provides a strategic action plan that effectively focuses resources to reduce the greatest number of severe injury and fatal pedestrian-motor vehicle crashes on the Arizona State Highway System.

ADOT Complete Transportation Guidebook (2016)
The Complete Transportation Guidebook is a reference for integrating sustainable transportation practices into transportation planning, scoping, and design throughout ADOT’s project development process.
News / Announcements
From the ADOT Blog
Hey ADOT Kids! Here are some tips on bike safety
ADOT Transportation Safety
Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon
ADOT Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP) Guide
Learn the Rules of the road
Whether you are a person walking, riding a bike or driving it's essential to know how to be safe.