
Arizona is a walker's paradise. Some of us may walk to get exercise, to spend time with family and friends, walk as part of an event or walk to school and work. This page provides you, the pedestrian, including children and parents with information or important safety issues, special events and various organizations to make your walking experience enjoyable.

Walking for Recreation

Arizona offers an abundance of diverse walking opportunities. From desert trails to panoramic vistas of pine to snowy canyons to city excursions - Arizona has it all. Our state has some of the most scenic hiking trails in the country, and as an added bonus, Arizonans and visitors enjoy them year-round!


National Parks and Monuments

Arizona Monuments

Grand Canyon Trails




Arizona Hiking Trails

Hiking Arizona

Trails and Tips

The Arizona Trail


Northern Arizona

Flagstaff Hiking Trails

Kingman Walking Trails

Sedona Hiking Trails

Prescott National Forest Trails


Eastern Arizona

White Mountain Trail System


Phoenix Area

Phoenix Mountain Parks/Preserves Trails

Phoenix Area Hikes

Phoenix Walking Tours


Southern Arizona

Tucson Area Trails

Sierra Vista Trails

Explore Southern Arizona